The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls is a French horror exploitation movie helmed by Pierre B. Reinhard. The action takes place in a small country town and the storyline deals with corporate irresponsibility when the owners of a milk factory, having tainted milk with waste, are directly responsible for the deaths of three girls under mysterious circumstances. After their funerals, however, the deads come back from their graves as outraged zombie girls. Seeking revenge on their killers, they kill all the people responsible for their deaths, including those in public office, business persons, and others involved in the conspiracy. The film is well known for the violence and bloody scenes that overshadow the cinematic vegetation which is normally found in french movies of 1980.
One interesting fact is that the graphic elements included in the movie were highly debated and polarized opinions of the reviewers. It is a hybrid of the revengeful zombies and the revenge thriller genres which explains the original face of the movie the revenge of the living dead girls which is unlike other zombie related movies. The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls, while produced on a shoestring budget, has achieved cult status primarily due to the controversial and forbidden nature of its content.
The thing that strikes me most about this film is its merging of comedy and horror as a social response. The film goes as far as tackling corporate negligence and environmental issues but the fantasy imagery used may butcher the core of the film for people who do not have robust stout hearts.