The Dead

The Dead is a horror movie that came out in 2010 and has been directed by The Ford Brothers, Howard and Jonathan Ford. Its importance comes from it being one of the early zombie installations, which is set in Africa, as well as having won some accolades for the fresh look at the zombie wasteland.

Plot Summary

The action takes place, in the future, when there are no humans left apart from two people and other shade persons due to the viral calamity. It stars Rob Freeman as Brian Murphy a US paratrooper who crash lands in the bush of Africa trying to fly out of the madness of zombie Globellia.

In the course of trying to survive, Brian encounters a native by the name of Daniel (portrayed by Prince David Oseia) who is also out in the bush trying to stay alive. Together, they fight for their chance to survive in a land filled with the undead in search for respite. Brian’s relationship with Daniel is highlighted as the main plot inclusive of various struggles from zombie hordes to lost lands that require hard living, in the case od the void being filled with zombies.


Struggle and its Challenges: The setting of this movie revolves around the aspect of struggle which is trying to survive in an unfriendly environment as depicted by the characters trying to live in a world filled with zombies.

Strength of Bonds: Brian and Daniel’s bond elucidates the need for friends and colleagues even under adverse conditions.

Zombiology in a New Geography: The Dead takes place in Africa; the film uses other cultures and scenery.


Critics and viewers were appreciative of The Dead as it was quite captivating due to its commendable camera work as well as the terrible realistic effects that were incorporated in the movie. Further, the key actors in the film such as Rob Freeman and Prince David Oseia were also commended for their performance in the movie.

Viewer fatigue is also assuaged by much application of practical effects as opposed to the computer-generated images (CGI). It was considered as being a break away from the usual trend of various latest zombie movies that have come into the market that seems to over indulge in computer effects.


Due to the favorable reception of *The Dead, The Dead 2: India was made in 2013, which is a sequel to the movie that focuses on the same subject of zombie outbreak, however, the outbreak takes place in India.

To sum up, The Dead has been held in positive regard as a more or less well done film of the Zombie film genre due to its disregard of the cliches, excellent characters and extremely believable horror. For those who enjoy zombies films but want to watch something extremely interesting,

The Dead