The film titled Stopping the Steal was created in the year 2021 and is a documentary directed & written by Riley R. B. Johnson. The subject matter of the movie is particularly dedicated to the events of the 2020 USA presidential elections and the allegations of its manipulation by the supporters of Donald Trump and his presidency.
Plot Summary:
It’s very clear from the beginning that the filmmakers adopted a very investigative style consisting literally of spies and various organizations accusing high ranking officials of committing election fraud. It also includes people who belong to the so-called movement Stop the Steal discussing why they support it and what are their doubts regarding fair elections.
The flick analyzes investigations, refusals and other problems the experts encountered trying to prove that there has been voter fraud and other elector manipulations. The movie also looks into the reasons and consequences of such allegations and how they affected American politics.
Key Themes:
Election Integrity: The topic of the electoral system and the need for its functioning without corruption occupies much attention in the movie.
Political Polarization: It shows how American society is fractured concerning political opinions and the conflicting views about the election.
– Conspiracy Theories: The documentary makes an in-depth analysis of how the 2020 election gave birth to the rise of conspiracy theories and misinformation and to what specific groups, and why, they appealed.
The reception of the documentary was mixed, with some comments praising its willingness to bring forth the issues of the people whose concerns – including the audience’s – are ignored, while others condemned the work as propagating groundless conspiracy theories. This work has contributed to the welcome but uneasy dialogue regarding democracy, its elections and their integrity, and controversies concerning the 2020 US elections.
This is true for most, if not all, political documentaries: audience reception is likely to depend on the individual’s views, assumptions and beliefs concerning the issues presented in the film. Stopping the Steal caters to those interested in political imbalances during the 2020 presidential election, and its consequences, or lack thereof.