Spirit of Friendship is a short family drama scheduled for worldwide release on August 13, 2024. The story is about a boy named Billy who has lost his mother. Danny LeGare directed the film himself, and he had also written the film. In an attempt to communicate with his mother, who has passed away, he is assisted by his peers. Hence, a poignant tale of loss, love, and loyalty is built up.
Plot Summary
Still mourning for his mother, Billy thinks that he can reach her with the help of some of his friends. From this point, an unknown man with the name of Leonard shows up, who is only visible to Billy, and which makes his friends to start questioning his sanity. Still, they do not abandon him as he struggles to understand his feelings and the significance of human interaction. Their illustration and these specific themes teach children how to confront the concept of losing someone and the value of their close ones.
Main Cast
Jeremy London as the father
Sal Rendino
Carter Grassi in the role of Billy
Delaney Miclette and Glen Nicholes Jr. are also present in supporting roles in the film.
Production Notes
The film is distinctive in a sense that the mother-loss theme was dealt by the actors in their real life, particularly the sibling actors Delaney. And Christian Miclette. The film was shot entirely on location in Connecticut.