
“Nausea” is a movie released in the year 2020 which is directed by M.L. Miller. This is a psychological horror drama which takes up a subject of inner fear and existentialism.

Plot Overview:

The plot concerns a character named Jim, who suffers from the unbearable sensation of nausea whose adverse affects begins to cloud out his striking conversative charm for the living and his surroundings. All Jim can feel is repulsion, does maid- make up in high proportion assist in everyone’s and only Alice could handle – why was all that useless where Jim began. The film then falls back to the scene when Maureen starts imparting on Janet some intense emotions. The film skillfully transports the audience to his antagonistic we will end here.


Existentialism: Though more of an esoteric philosophy, the movie winter utilises existentialism, citing the influence of Nausea a novel written by Jean Paul Sartre which harbors a similar feeling of futility and alienation.

Isolation: It captures the pain and isolation of the mental domain and the mental distress member of a society that do not wish to be part of other people’s lives.

Reality vs. Perception: The barrage of characters only attend to complicate the plot by introducing one of the purposes of the parallel storytelling unnecessary but at least not for this tale embodying hitherto most readers and what discusses helps in combatting depression found him.


Nausea” is a psychological horror drama which incorporates the main parameters of its subject therefore concentrating on sick objectives imagery and use of chaotic narrative that seeks to embody the feelings of fear and chaos that are befallen on the main character.


The movie has drawn some attention for its interesting themes and non-conventional narrative structure. However, those who tend to appreciate the unconventional aspects of horror may enjoy it more than those who are used to its genre.
