Falling Together (2016)

Falling Together (2016)

Jeffrey R. Smith portrays the film, Falling Together, as a love and loss story built on sweeping human relations. Woven within the film’s storylines are several characters who are battling their own demons in a chaotic world while trying to relate and form bonds with people. Sarah and Jack, the couple drawn at the center of the film story, have to deal with so many challenges in their marriage due to internal and external factors like lack of understanding each other. The resolution of their issues leads to the revelation of the backstories of other characters in the film portraying how they all intersect converging some of them to moments leading to epiphany.

Mind you none of the narratives in Falling Together are plain, a number of the characters are re-introduced with new chapters usually holding fresh insights to the happenings in their present. This film seeks to make clear that apart from the conflicts depicted in the film, conflicts and experiences are enwrapped in every individual hence wholeness of the experience is winged. Besides, the rising emotions are well-complemented with the help of a good song that simply captures and cuts across the scary parts of the movie no words uttered.

I am compelled to comment on Falling Together because it deals with vulnerability and relationship dynamics strongly articulating communication. The film mirrors the truth that love is never simply blissful but also can inflict pain and shows how people try to see eye-to-eye despite their differences. While it is controversial that the film has not reached mass popularity, its simple sincerity and themes will be familiar and helpful to those who struggled in love and interpersonal relationships. Falling Together proposes insights into the nature of relationships and the strength to withstand numerous challenges.

Falling Together (2016)