“Akumu Tantei 2” which is also known as “Nightmare Detective 2” is a Japanese horror movie that was released in 2008 and directed by Shinja Tsukamoto. The film is a sequel to that of Akumu tantei of the year 2006 and therefore, picks from where she left off in regards to a detective who can go into people’s dreams.
The action concentrates on Kogenuma Kyoichi (performed by Ryuhei Matsuda), a man who possesses the much sought after power to invade the dreams of other people. Nevertheless, the power does not really work for his good rather a horder since he has suffered a lot mentally and emotionally. Again he gets involved in a case of horrible dreams and psychological trauma when a high school girl seeks his help to interpret a horrific dream about losing her mother.
He knows that this will require him to go into the mind of the girl and restore order. This would not be so difficult for Kyoichi but doing this in a mentally derailed state is dangerous. The film shifts the emphasis from slasher elements of the first part of the film towards psychological horror featuring human fears and explanation of nightmares.
Key Themes:
Psychological Horror: It’s the second sequel that focuses much on psychological horror and nightmares and ‘the mind inside.’ There is a lot of self-reflection as compared to the previous edition and the main concern is the self’s fear and trauma.
Dream Exploration: The film also deals with the theme of penetrating and controlling dreams and consequently depicts horrifying sequences that disturb the limits of reality and dreams.
Dark, Surreal Atmosphere: The film is consistent with the work of Shinya Tsukamoto, known for his horror and disturbing images, cognitive and depressive moods.
Main Cast:
Yukie Mashiro: ML YUI MIURA.
Ayako Kirishima Y: ANAE KAN.
Tone & Style:
The advancement of Tsukamoto in his directorial career is the concentration of body-horror, psychological tension, and surrealist contradiction. Where the first film is action-oriented as much, here it is more about emotional and psychological struggle, portraying odd and disturbing dreams.
If you like dark psychological horror with a depressing and really slow burn plot, Akumu Tantei 2 could be worth checking out.