A Mistake

“A Mistake” is a drama from new zealand filmmaker Christine Jeffs that hail from the year 2023. The screenplay was adapted from a novel – ‘Mister Pip’ that has for its principal character a revered surgeon called Elizabeth Taylor. The concern is how the mistake affects professional conduct, image and private life and in particular, the turbulent world of health care management today.

She investigates the issues of the stress put on the surgeons during their work, the internal conflicts that arise when subordinate orders are not followed, and the criminal, ethical, and legal consequences from it in case the operation goes in a way other than intended. In the chronological development of the plot, issues such as blame, answerability, and particularly the burden placed on the shoulders of the physicians, come out more vividly.

Once in a while Christine Jeffs who has directed such works as Sunshine Cleaning and has been known to create drama layers in the above-mentioned heads eg 2008 compassion and empathy also demonstrated flat scenes.

A Mistake