
911-Pizza is a short film that seeks to examine the business and its particularities, customer service, stating that even ordering a pizza can be quite complex.

Key Details:

Director: Elefterios Zacharopoulos

Release Year: 2017

Genre: Drama

Runtime: About 8 minutes and 29 seconds

Cast: Thierry Frémont and Lola Dewaere.


It all begins when a customer orders a small four-cheese pizza. As easy as this task may sound, it soon proves tedious because the client is fussy and the service provider is lazy. This type of interaction encapsulates the micro level interactions of service escalation and the pain of communication and expectations.


It is a short film, but even its length does not diminish its presence in people’s thoughts regarding the already controversial and deceptive aspect of cut stone. It is a critical analysis of the fact that if communication is done, there is a high likelihood of complications occurring.
