
Uprising (original title: Jeon, Ran) is a South Korean film directed by Kim Sang-man, his work includes the genres of action along with history. The primary plot of the movie is about Yi Jong-ryeo who is the son of a nobleman’s family, in the Korean-oriented movie “Uprising,” and he lives in that era where the Japanese invasions happen, played by Park Jung-min and Kang Dong-won as Cheon-yeong.

Plot Summary

Towards the end, the actions that unfold in the drama can be characterized by those that occur primarily in the backdrop which is in the Joseon Dynasty. Betrayal, friendship, and class struggles are present as key themes throughout. The two characters grow together at first but later end up positioned against each other in war. Yi Jong-ryeo actually loses family and turns more motivated than ever by vengeance while serving the King Only interested in serving his nation.

At the same time, however, they tend to become engaged with another conflict with Japanese people which increases their distinctness emotionally and ideologically. This features a very intense climax when multiple raids happen where there are strong sword clashes including one between Genshin Kikkawa – a commander of Japanese forces – and Cheon-yeong.


In a broader sense, Uprising has been well received. A few commend its action scenes and fight choreography, especially how swordplay is portrayed while some others, consider the film to be shallow in plot. It currently has a rating of 5.9 from 10.

Release Information

The film was released on October 11 2024 and is available on the streaming network Netflix.