an engaging film directed by Julian Kemp with a solid ensemble cast including Kevin McKidd and Nina Toussaint. The film is primarily directed towards children but also aims to impart a message to viewers about resistance, as evident from the trailer. In 2024, the film is all set to be released under the title, The Primrose Railway Children.
Pamela Neville Wilson’s dramatic real life account tells of the struggles 3 siblings faced after moving to an unfamiliar place with their mother and how they labored through their ways to fuse with their new environment. This was a major ethos during the time, since the movie is based on late 1900’s. The story later takes turns which allow for the character development when the children meet new people and experience different events.
- Kevin McKidd takes on the role of Rob Robinson
- Nina Toussaint-White plays Sarah Robinson
- Ida Brooke portrays Becks
- Ava Joyce McCarthy is Phoebe
- Tylan Bailey features as Perry
- Ian Pirie performs as Thomas Brown
Release and Reception
The newly premiered movie on 8 December 2024, has received mix reviews from the critics. The film does receive praise for keeping true to Wilson’s novel while also being relevant in it’s themes.
For those who wish to watch the movie “The Primrose Railway Children” it is available through BBC iPlayer.
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