American comedy film thriller “The Prank” was released in 2022 and it’s directed by Maureen Bharoocha. Follows a plot revolving on student named Ben, hardworking and devoted to academics man whose future is challenged due to a cheating incident where his entire class gets punished by a strict physics teacher Mrs. Wheeler. Upset about it, Ben and his easy going classmate Tanner have a plan of getting revenge from Mrs. having her accused on social websites of murdering a student who is reported missing. The situation gets out of control with the students trying to take the prank further and further but now more on the worrying side of whether they take it too far or not, as it is quasi-comedy but equally so many other aspects are covered in the film.
Awards & Wins
This film “The Prank” was released first during the South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival on March 13, 2022, it had a nomination there for the Audience Award in the category Narrative Spotlight.
Cast & Crew
- Director: Maureen Bharoocha
- Writers: Rebecca Flinn-White, Zak White
- Producers: Tyler Condon, Steven J. Wolfe
- Cast:
- Rita Moreno as Mrs. Wheeler
- Connor Kalopsis as Ben Palmer
- Ramona Young as Tanner
- Keith David as Principal Henderson
- Kate Flannery as Julie Palmer
- Jonathan Kimmel as Mr. Kimmel
- Meredith Salenger as Mrs. Palmer
- Nathan Janak as Student
- Roni Akurati as Band Geek
- Esteban Dager as the Character of a Soccer Jock
- Romel De Silva as the Role of Sawyer Friedman
- Tim Delano Appearing as Officer Stebbins
- Ryan Gowland in a Duet with Detective Pierce
- Rene Gube in the Role of Officer Sully
- Armani Jackson as the Character of Greg
- Talia Jackson as the character Quinn Smythe
Ratings in Terms of IMDb
At the moment, it is entirely possible to figure out, however, that the film “The Prank” has a score on IMDB of 5.2 out of 10 with regard to the reasonable assessment of the users.
Personal Opinion
“The Prank” takes a comic approach towards the social media generation and it’s fictional boundaries in terms of how far one can take a joke. The hardship of Mrs. Wheeler is completely animated by Rita Moreno; the actress beautifully combines the features of toughness and tenderness. The film’s story does a great job of illustrating youthful rashness and the outcomes of very mild actions and every day decisions. Although the screenplay sometimes employs clichés, the lead characters’ interaction and the film’s adequate perception of modern digital issues turn out to be genuinely intriguing.
Cultural Significance
Given how easily false news can now circulate online, it seems like “The Prank” is suggestive of the dangers inherent with social media. It demonstrates the power of an idea in the context of its capacity to do harm in the physical world and is designed to make the audience consider their online conduct. The film’s combination of humor and tension introduces themes of discussion that include responsibility, accuracy, and relationships in the era of social networks.