The Life I Can’t Remember” is a suspense thriller film to be released in the year 2024 directed by Amy Barrett. The plot revolves around Emma played by Morgan Bradley who starts to regain her memories of a night that is clouded with doubt and has left her suffering from amnesia. Emma tries to reconstruct her shattered past with help of her husband, Dr. Dean Johnson played by Gabriel Pranter. But unfortunately, with more memories flooding back, more and more it emerges that her life may still be at risk.
Awards & Wins:
As of today, there are absent records of major prize awards or nominations for the Movie “The Life I Can’t Remember.
Cast & Crew:
- Director: Amy Barrett
- Writers: Robert Dean Klein, Jeffrey Schenck, Peter Sullivan
- Cast:
- Emma played by Morgan Bradley
- Dr. Dean Johnson played by Gabriel Pranter
- Detective Claire Wise played by Tryphena Wade
- Terrence played by Andrew Steel
- Dr. Roberts played by Patrick M.J. Finerty
- Seth played by Alex James
- Chloe played by Melanie Au-Yeung
- Ryan played by Theodore Martello
- Chief Moore played by Bourke Floyd
- Gabe Taylor played by Kenon Veno
- Hostess played by Kate Gilman Williams
- Jaime played by Jaime Brightbill
- Nurse Judy played by Margarita Reyes
- Nurse Donna played by Shikira Saul
- Emily played by Sophia Manyet
- As Real Dean, Tommy Primeau plays the role of the character in question.
- There are no additional details provided for this casting.
- The casting call was due to a big push from directors to get as many actors in the auditioning process showing interest in the show.
- Unsurprisingly, the role of the nurse became everyone’s favorite for the fact that it was simple and one could just put on a nurse’s outfit to wow the audience.
- Looking at how they tackled embodied interaction and how the corridors themselves showcased acting, it’s quite a feat really.
- There are absolutely no new developments about this character so the cast and directors pretend like nothing happened and carry on with Angela.
- Hearing about an audition once again fills me with regrets and false hopes that one day I will be called to seem and not freeze up.
- Despite their comic value or value in general this show makes me want to wear one again for the thrill of it.
- The plot and screenplay conflict with the institution of the show itself which doesn’t make any sense.
- Kenon Veno is playing Gabe Taylor.
- Kate Gilman Williams portrays the role of a hostess.
- The role of Jaime in the picture is played by Jaime Brightbill.
- Richard weez as Nurse Judy.
- Shikira Saul as Nurse Donna.
- Emil y is played by Sophia Manyet.
- Tommy primeau plays The Real Dean.
- Lindsay Mcgrail plays the embossed spectacles doctor.
- The role of Renee in the film is portrayed by Felisha Cooper.
- M.J. Finerty is playing the character of Dr. Roberts in the film.
- Alex James plays the role of Seth.
- Melanie Au-Yeung played the character about Chloe.
- Theodore Martello played Ryan in the film.
- Chief Moore was played by Bourke Floyd.
- Kenon Veno is playing Gabe Taylor.
- Kate Gilman Williams as Hostess.
- The role of Jamie in the film is portrayed by Jaime Brightbill.
- The character of Nurse Judy was played by Margarita Reyes.
- Shikira Saul as Nurse Donna.
- Emil y is portrayed by Sophia Manyet.
- Tommy primeau plays The Real Dean.
- Lindsay Mcgrail plays the embossed spectacles doctor.
- The film includes solid graphics.
- The bride‘s poster was provided by Daniel Simantov.
- Finally, four instances suffice.
- Chief Moore was played by Bourke Floyd.