A revealing new film directed by Daniel Fisher and Stephen fisher, “The Gregg Russell Story: If This Old Tree Could Talk” is a 2024 documentary. The film focuses on the singer/songwriter, Gregg Russell who used to perform in front of the historic Liberty Oak in Hilton Head Island South Carolina, Harbour Town. Russell has been entertaining families for over four decades and is a loved character of the community.
Awards & Wins:
Currently, the documentary has not been nominated for or awarded any major awards.
Cast & Crew:
- Directors: Daniel Fisher, Stephen Fisher.
- Writers: T. Scott Reeves, Colin Williams.
- Cast names:
- As Himself, Gregg Russell.
- As Himself/The Liberty Oak, Jim Nantz.
- As Himself, Jay DeMarcus.
- As Himself, Stan Smith.
- As Himself, Gordon Whitener.
- As Himself, Rick Ray.
- As Himself, Jay DeMarcus.
- As Himself/The Liberty Oak, Jim Nantz.
- As Himself, Gregg Russell.
- As Himself, Stan Smith.
- As Himself, Gordon Whitener.
- As Himself, Rick Ray.
- As Himself, Jay DeMarcus.
- As Himself/The Liberty Oak, Jim Nantz.
- As Himself, Gregg Russell.
- As Himself, Stan Smith.
- As Himself, Gordon Whitener.
- As Himself, Rick Ray.
- As Himself, Jay DeMarcus.
- As Himself/The Liberty Oak, Jim Nantz.
- As Himself, Gregg Russell.
- As Himself, Stan Smith.
- As Himself, Gordon Whitener.
- As Himself, Rick Ray.
- As Himself, Jay DeMarcus.
- As Himself/The Liberty Oak, Jim Nantz.
- As Himself, Gregg Russell.
- As Himself, Stan Smith.
- As Himself, Gordon Whitener.
- As Himself, Rick Ray.
- As Himself, Jay DeMarcus.
- Hijo como Edificio Nag
- Jim Nantz como El roble de la libertad y el mismo
- Steven W. Smith como el mismo
- DeMarcus, Jay como él
- Nantz, Jim como el mismo
- Hijo como el Epílogo 131
- El mismo, Jim Nantz como la declaración escrita
- El mismo, Naismith se presenta
- DeMarcus, Jay
- Hijo como Edificio Nag
- Jay DeMarcus como el mismo
- Hijo como Edificio Nag
- William M. Dretzke como él
- Galán, Garry R. como él
- Jay DeMarcus actue himself
- Jim Nantz The Liberty Oak and himself
- Gregg Russell actue himself
- Stan Smith actue himself
- Gordon Whitener actue himself
- Rick Ray actue himself
- Jay DeMarcus actue himself
- Jim Nantz The Liberty Oak and himself
- Gregg Russell actue himself
- Stan Smith actue himself
- Gordon Whitener actue himself
- Rick Ray actue himself
- Jay DeMarcus actue himself
- Jim Nantz The Liberty Oak and himself
- Gregg Russell actue himself
- Stan Smith actue himself
- Gordon Whitener actue himself
- Rick Ray actue himself
- Jay DeMarcus actue himself
- Jim Nantz The Liberty Oak and himself
- Gregg Russell actue himself
- Stan Smith actue himself
- Gordon Whitener actue himself
- Rick Ray actue himself
- Jay DeMarcus actue himself
- Jim Nantz The Liberty Oak and himself
- Gregg Russell actue himself