Santa Baby

Santa Baby is a Christmas romantic comedy released in 2006, featuring Jenny McCarthy who acts as Mary Class, a very successful businesswoman and daughter of Santa Claus. The directorial is offered by Ron Underwood who takes the audiences through the life of Mary as she goes back to the North Pole for Christmas after her father, Santa, played by George Wendt gets sick. Mary has spent the entire life in the fast corporate world, therefore Santa’s working shop is in need of some modern management ideas brought to the North Pole by Mary, which obviously calls for conflicts.

The conflict in the story is when Mary is performing her Martha Stewart business woman role while attempting to figure a way how to balance her existence in the city and the spirit of her family Christmas traditions. An old flame whom she had not seen in a long time also appears during the course of the holidays and thus there is a romantic twist in this tale.

With its blending of festive theme, family relationships and romance, Santa Baby is an interesting movie that people can watch during Christmas. The movie has an overall simple and happy narrative making it easy to be followed by Christmas movie lovers. In the year 2009, a sequel was produced and entitled Santa Baby 2: Christmas Maybe which still follows Mary Santa after Christmas back at the North pole.