Romi (2022) is an Albanian film drama directed by Kastriot Kastrati. The focus of the story is a young man named Romi, who after his release from prison, returns to his hometown in Albania with high hopes of building his life afresh, The character Romi is impersonated by Arben Bajraktaraj. However, he is met with the frustrations of the reality – the struggles of ‘normal’ life after incarceration.
This film explores complementing themes of redemption, loyalty to family, and the struggle against the criminal world. He bears a lot of emotional pain during his adventure as he attempts to self forgive for the wrong he did to others and the people around him, the warring Fates acting as useful rattles and temptations which level his chances of starting afresh.
Romi greatly suffers from the stigma associated with ex-convicts, particularly in the context of today’s Albanian society after incarceration. These separate perspectives allow the film to touch upon more global topics of second chances, betrayal, relationships and many others making the film a true masterpiece.
This intense issue-based story is centered around Romi – the protagonist with high emotional appeal – and the various socio-cultural aspects that surrounds his life and the life of other people.