
Mary, directed by Michael Goi, is a contemporary horror movie that revolves around buried secrets and how one family’s life changed after they discovered the history of a derelict vessel which they pulled out of the sea. Oldman and Mortimer are the lead stars seemingly squabbling simultaneously against the sea and each other in this suspenseful tale.


Stereotypical blue collar American society is once again on display with Gary Oldman being cast as a broken captain who owns the ship named Mary. After being married to Emily Mortimer and resuming his role as a family man, the two, alongside their daughters, set sail and soon realize that the stranded vessel’s maiden voyage is anything but a warm family experience. Quite the opposite in fact, as the story progresses, it becomes apparent that a ship out in a distressed sea is always bound to have dark secrets hidden within it.


  • Emily Mortimer as Sarah
  • Gary Oldman as David
  • Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mike
  • Stefanie Scott as Lindsey
  • Chloe Perrin as Mary
  • Jennifer Esposito as Detective Clarkson
  • Owen Teague as Tommy


The film certainly oozes authenticity, thanks to Tooley Entertainment, Entertainment One, and natural battlegrounds for its cinematography, Michael Goi. Expect a chilling soundtrack to add to the suspense as unsettling compositions by The Newton Brothers surely give a fitting backdrop to the entire film.

Release and Reception

“Mary” first screened at frightfest on August 24, 2019, then got a theatrical release as well as released on-demand on 11th October 2019. The critics’ rating was mixed. Sheila O’Malley of found it pointless to say that there was a stunning idea behind the film as its execution had no traces of inventiveness, “Mary has the concept but it does not really take any imaginative leaps.” On Rotten Tomatoes based on film critics the film scored poorly suggesting of taking unfavourable reviews.


“Mary” can be streamed on several sites such as Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, and Google Play. However, regions determine whether one would have access hence it is advised to check local streaming services.

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The film has been analyzed in many articles with the film’s tension build-up and performances by the lead cast being underlined, alongside others praising the film. Critics were more forgiving on its fascinating premise saying that it left much to be desired in its development.


In order to gain a visual sense of the film you can view the official trailer below:

Mary is set on the Sea and explores the themes of harrowing experiences in the sea, loneliness and supernatural elements, which has portrayed the Shipping Horror Meltdown. Though it is a promising start the viewers feel that it doesn’t quite provide the expected outcome.