
Intacto is a Spanish movie who was directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and produced in 2001. The story revolves around luck, fate’s mysterious inclination, and an even weird storyline where luck is treated degeneratively and is traded, stolen, and even used as a currency.

It narrates the story of Tomás (Leonardo Sbaraglia) who survives a plane crash and moves on to get involved in a network of people who are exceptionally luckier than the average person. Tomás is recruited by Federico, an ex-casino worker who has a strange sight of luck, through a series of dangerous, luck-influenced games. Their main purpose is to compete against a man named Samuel (Max von Sydow) who was a holocaust victim and is a casino proprietor marked as the most ‘intact’ or ‘untouchable’ member because of his ability to be lucky.

Intacto is a thriller movie that depicts the image of a world where luck is a tangible object and everyone has to fight over it for their benefit which is taken a notch higher when all the spokes are connected. Coupled with a gripping narrative of the psychological thriller genre, themes of horror and even fantasy makes the picture a thought provoking as to what one’s luck and few people’s destiny can shape the overall structure of a scenario. Its interesting story was both unique and gripping, which caught the attention of many viewers placing it as one of the top of the Spanish movies made in the 2000s.