
“Inkabi” is a South African action film slated to be released in 2024 and directed by Norman Maake. The story follows a retired hitman named Frank who decides to vanish and lead an ordinary life as a taxi driver. He is in contact with Lucy, a gambling worker from a shady casino located in the downtown area. After losing her child Angela, Lucy gets involved again in drugs and high-class escorting. One day, she sees one of her clients, who is a wealthy man of the city, getting killed. Although Lucy gets away, the murderer wants her dead. The only person she can reach out to is Frank, her lone companion. After years of killing for money only, Frank now has to kill for defense purpose which he did not have to do before, as he has never met a person like Lucy, who is always so dependent on others.

Awards & Wins:

Currently, the film “Inkabi” has not won any award or been nominated for any particular award.

Cast & Crew:

  • Director: Norman Maake
  • Writer: Norman Maake
  • Cast:
  • Dumisani Dlamini as Scar
  • Nkosinathi Keswa as Nongoma
  • Mimi Mamabolo as Detective Brenda
  • Andile Masia as Angela
  • Muzi Mthabela as The Governor
  • Kenneth Nkosi as Jake
  • Kaseran Pillay as Detective Black
  • Tshamano Sebe as Frank
  • Jonathan Taylor as Mr. Sol
  • Michelle Tiren as Lucy

IMDb Ratings:

The film has an average IMDb rating cut down to 6.6 out of 10, based on the evaluations of 18 users.

Personal Insights:

“Inkabi” examines the basic theme of the movie, which is about forgiveness and about moving on from violence and murder. Furthermore, the plot of this movie revolves around ‘Frank’, a character who was a hitman and got redeemed and turned into a guardian which adds to the storyline of this particular movie. The way this movie is about the dark side of cities and how its violent with action also revolving around it makes for an excellent way to portray crime and its fight for existence. On the other hand, these statements may be true of some viewers, there are no surprises in the unfolding of some aspects of the story, a blatant characteristic of the action category.

Social Context:

The appellation “Inkabi” denotes mercenaries, namely, killers in the South African cultural context, primarily among the Zulu people. By concentrating on this aspect, the film addresses social- and economic-related issues which compel people to become engaged in such risky business. Another underlying theme is about the reintegration of ex-criminals into society, something that many communities all over the world go through.

As for the genre, it is an action film but with a subtle message looking at the concept of being redeemed and reformed in the film “Inkabi” which is set in an urban South African society.