
Helpless is a South Korean drama, comedy, crime film directed by Jeon Seung-pyo, which is scheduled for release in 2024. The plot revolves around Geun-sung who sells medical knives unsuccessfully but dreams of becoming a successful streamer. Geun-sung’s alcohol-fueled anger at what happened at the school reunion wherein he lost face to a comedian and a yoyotuber known as Jong-man, results in a live-streaming session where Geun-sung reveals Jong-man’s past ugliness. The film’s main theme is the disadvantages that come in the process of trying to become popular, or the measures that people are willing to take in the process of obtaining popularity.

The movie has an approximate running time of 85 minutes and is set to be released on 23rd October, 2024. For those who need more information, an interesting one appears on the Koreanfilmbiz zone.