
Endurance (2024) is a documentary directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin, Natalie Hewit and produced by National Geographic. This documentary will detail the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew who got stranded in an Antarctic area in the year 1914 when their ship, the ‘Endurance’ was surrounded by ice. All of this would seem bleak, but through Shackleton’s effective leadership and the crew’s incessant endeavor forth, they stayed alive for more than a year.

There is also mention of a 2022 expedition for the purpose of the documentary known as the Endurance22 mission which was centered about locating the lost ship in the Weddell Sea. Thanks to the advanced technologies installed in S.A. Agulhas II icebreaker, this team succeeded in finding the wreck, joining the dots between Shackeltson’s undertaking over a century ago and the present day.

The film reconstructs these two narratives employing such means as archival footage, writings of diaries, and letters of Shackleton and his crew to tell the story of actual events. The film literally tells about the endurance and the leadership that allowed standing extreme conditions and survived in a new shaped world through a seamless combination of the past and future.