
Blitz (2011) is a well-known action thriller from Britain directed by Elliott Lester and features Jason Statham, Paddy Considine, and Aidan Gillen among other cast members. The movie is derived from the 2008 work Blitz: The 2nd Detective Thriller authored by Ken Bruen. This time it puts the focus on the story of Detective Sergeant Tom Brant, played by Statham, a tough London cop assigned to apprehend an unidentified gunman assassinating policemen in the city. Brant has poor control of his temper, which accompanies his unconventional style of policing, as he combines effort with Detective Sergeant Sarah Husk (played by Zawe Ashton) to capture the murderer whilst trying to overcome his inner struggles and the distress of the investigation.

The film brings out the feeling of great action, how Statham usually performs due to his physical presence as well as creating a rough ambiance through the crime and justice intricacies within an urbanised world. Although Brant’s characteristics are antagonistic, his ethical nature believes that he has a cause to fight for and that is the resolve of the case making Brant’s relationship with his workmates more complicated when they are both on the job.

Blitz got a lukewarm reception from reviewers. Some applauded Statham’s performance and the swift events, but critics tore the movie apart saying it was quite formulaic and lacking in character development. Still, the film attracted followers, especially of crime thrillers and Statham’s movies. It is about revenge, justice, and the mess of good and bad and the surrounding is an archetypical harsh city.