A Carol for Two(2024) is a musical film released by Hallmark. The movie features Violette Wagner, a small-town girl, who dreams of making it big on Broadway. Violette gets her opportunity when she is invited to perform a duet during a Christmas Eve concert. Violette works at a diner’s Fiore, When she is not performing she tries to expand her career by working and training at Fiore’s, which is famous for its singing waitresses, and aims at getting to Broadway. A co-worker who goes by the name Alex gets irritated with her after learning she managed to get the position due to her uncles designed connections. After watching her, Alex asks her to perform at a concert with him, now they have all caught the attention of Broadway executives.
Violette is forced to bring her romance with Alex’s cousin, Brad, to the next level only to learn from Brad that Alex has manipulated him into dating Violette; this creates a tension as the Christmas concert gets nearer and nearer.
The cast includes Ginna Claire Mason in the part of Violette Wagner and Jordan Litz who plays Alex. Both of them are well known Broadway performers as Litz has been active in the theatre for long featuring roles in Wicked. There are also some well known Hallmark stars such as Charlotte d’Amboise and John B. Lowe.
The majority of the filming was done in Winnipeg, Manitoba while New York City was the chief location for establishing shots to capture the spirit of Broadway. This film also has a captivating theme of celebrating Christmas along with some musical performances which makes the film delightful and suitable for the holidays.