In the film Lucy, directed by Luc Besson, Lucy, played by Scarlett Johansson, turns into a reluctant amazingly powerful woman thanks to becoming an experiment in her husband’s T-potion that they developed. The more Lucy uses her brain the more it becomes active, rather than just using it, she evolves gaining, for instance, the superpowers of instant telekinesis, instant telepathy, and instant learning. The movie contains a lot of fighting but also contains deep questions and themes dealing with intelligence, human’s evolution and what seriousness the consequences are of using the complete power of the brain.
The hypotheses of Lucy 2.0 started after the first film went viral with viewers who watched it being left with many unanswered questions. It was evident that Lucy was in a glorious state where she tinged herself into the universe, only leaving a USB stick with abundant information about fresh knowledge that might enhance her even more. A sequel might show how Lucy’s evolution spreads among mankind, maybe it’s her knowledge or other people who have taken the drug.
In the event that Lucy 2.0 comes out, it may seek to address issues like the following:
- The legacy of Lucy: In what ways can knowledge developed by humanity’s closest evolved relative contribute to more achievements or controversies in the future of mankind?
- **Possible forces against Lucy: ** Would Lucy the first and all her potential government institutions, businesses, or scientists be striving to develop Lucy-type abilities and create additional ‘super humanoids’ with unknown ends?
- Questions of a philosophical nature: The second part of the answer could focus on metaphysical issues including the future evolution of Lucy and the evolution of being human if certainly Lucy continues to evolve as an entity beyond purely a physical one.
Lucy 2.0 is not currently in development but fans are excited about the prospect of its production as it would see the realization of a world filled with limitless possibilities where Lucy’s intelligence and consciousness would dominate.