My Nanny Stole My Life

My nanny stole my life is a thriller film of 2024 directed by Matthew Toronto with Katerina Eichenberger casted to play Molly and Jonathan Stoddard casted as Noah. The story of this film revolves around a new mother who begins to take care of her infant daughter, only to later become suspicious of her nanny and believes that the nanny is trying to take her place as the head of the family.


Molly who is diagnosed with postpartum depression approaches a nurse, Nicci, to assist her in taking care of her baby Emma. Molly’s paranoia has some valid reasoning, as her husband found Nicci smashing eggs on Molly’s head to treat her depression. Nonetheless, Molly’s husband dismisses her concerns, stating that she is simply worried because of her mental health complication.


  • Katerina Eichenberger is playing the role of Molly
  • Jonathan Stoddard plays Noah
  • Caroline Codd starred as Nicci
  • Shailene Garnett is cast as Lindsay
  • Cheryl Frazier played Dr. Waldron


Shooting was held in Tampa Fl, and extra footage was filmed at Tarpon Springs to include the surrounding areas and streets of the film.

Release and Reception

The film titled “My Nanny Stole My Life” was launched on Lifetime on May 16, 2024, and was lauded for the suspenseful plot and prevalence of postpartum disorder. Ratings are not specified, however, the film is said to have a lot of audience considering its psychological focus.


The film can be watched on the lifetime website and can also be offered by some other video on demand providers.

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Becoming a mother and dealing with postpartum depression is perhaps the hardest battle, this film shows that. It absolutely starts dialogues regarding the subject and the importance of mental health.