Little Johnny: The Movie is an animated comedy from 2011 that tells the story of Little Johnny whose character is drawn from some popular Australian jokes. The Director is Ralph Moser who combines raucous humour and hopelessly irreverent storytelling with a nostalgic vision of the Australian suburbia into creating great adult animated comedies. The movie’s confidence of storytelling definitely deserves a special mention.
Taking place during the 1970s in Australia, the movie tells the story of little Johnny who is described as a cheeky and troublesome young boy. In a small town, Johnny lives with his loving mother and his father who is well-meaning but hard to deal with.
Johnny gets into trouble all the time, goes on multiple adventures with his friends and family, and most importantly, humorously comments on adult issues, too much even to his parents’ dismay. But the film is not entirely a blend of infuses with vulgarity; it also contains moral lessons about losing trust in family members but bouncing back in strength as a son and father’s bond continues.
Cast & Crew
- Director: Ralph Moser
- Writers: Ralph Moser, Dean Murphy, Stewart Faichney
- Voice Cast:
- Genevieve Morris is a voice of Little Johnny.
- Kevin Bloody Wilson is a voice of Johnny’s Dad.
- Ross Higgins is a voice of Grandpa.
Awards & Recognition
Even the film did not win very major awards, nevertheless, it gained a substantial following from the fans of Australian comedy and the fans of the vulgar tasteful humour. Saw its irreverent style earn the film praise and criticism for being unrepentant in its presentation of controversial jokes.
IMDb Ratings
The film maintains an IMDb rating of 5.4/10. Audience rating is mixed and are between admirers of the traditional Little Johnny jokes and those who were too sensitive or who felt that the material was too old.
Personal Insights
Little Johnny: The Movie takes risks and does not hold back with excessive offensive humor and unflattering representations of Australian suburbia in the ‘70s. People who enjoy the Little Johnny joke venture will probably love the picture’s effort to stay true to the origin material, however, there are those who may not especially the outsiders who did not grow up in the appropriate place or are simply at odds with the style’s tacky nature.
Genevieve Morris imbues Little Johnny’s voice with charm and wit and film industry’s image with Kevin Bloody Wilson. Also, even though the humor may seem excessive at times, the film is also able to provide some really touching scenes, in particular those that revolve around families.
Cultural Significance
This film showcases an interesting Australian style of humor that is often offbeat and eccentric which resonates with a particular Australian ethos. It stands in the tradition of other storytellers who focus on making light out of life’s tribulations through the use of humor, even if the humor comes off as somewhat outdated in today’s climate.
Where to Watch
Little Johnny: The Movie can be purchased on DVD or Blu-Ray and is available for rent on platforms such as Amazon Prime Video and Google Play. It is also possible to watch the movie from Australian niches as regional Australian humor sites where the movie is received and uploaded.