The Runway

The film directed by Ian Power in 2010, a dark-comedy drama titled The Runway, is based on true events. It is a feel-good story that has a great sense of humor, community and focuses on people coming together to accomplish great feats, even when they are underdogs.


The background of The Runway is set in a small Irish village in the late 1980’s. The protagonist, a single mother’s son named Paco, is a young boy raised by a single mother. He becomes friends with a Colombian pilot though quite by accident. The pilot manages to survive a plane crash and insidious circumstances. In order to help the pilot get back to his country, Paco sets out on an ambitious mission, which is, to convince the men in the village to build a mini runway. The aim is unique, and as the villagers work towards it, they find their lost determination and togetherness.

The creators brilliantly reinvent the themes of belonging, co-working and hope, presenting it with, as it cannot be otherwise, humor.

Cast & Crew

  • Director & Writer: Ian Power
  • Cast:
  • Demián Bichir appeared as Ernesto Cordoba who was the pilot that was stuck at the crash site.
  • James Cosmo appeared as Sutherland a villager who may seem angry but has a hero’s spirit at heart.
  • Kerry Condon appeared as Paco’s mother Grace Thomas, a mother in every sense of the word, gentle yet fierce when needed.
  • Jamie Kierans played the role of Paco who is portrayed as a young boy who is interesting and very classy.
  • Don Wycherley played the role of Sergeant Walsh, a very shrewd policeman who does not easily trust anyone in the village.

Awards & Recognition

  • Recipient of the Audience Award at the Galway Film Fleadh.
  • Included in nominations for multiple awards at Irish Film Festivals, category Best Screenplay.
  • Received international acclaim for its plot and performances, most notably that of Demián Bichir.

IMDb Ratings

On IMDb, the film’s rating is currently 6.5/10 with overall reviews praising the characters, humor, and the storyline making it emotional.

Personal Insights

The Runway is an interesting combination of odd-ball comedy and drama. The strength of the film lies in how it intersperses comic relief with relevant criticisms of society and humanity. Demián Bichir completely steals the show as the lonely and isolated pilot, making his character magnetic. Some may find Paco’s beliefs as cute, and but more than anything, he inspires his audience to have faith towards random people and the world full of faith.

This film is also set in the most aesthetically pleasing places that would take you back to the time of simplicity in the countryside of Ireland, making the film warm to its intended feel.

Cultural Significance

The Runway, which is set in Ireland, presents an interesting perspective of small town life in which people depend on each other and where everybody knows everybody else. It shows how togetherness and ingenuity can triump the unlikeliest of odds. Moreover, the film’s plot appeals to viewers when it presents how common objectives can be achieved regardless of different cultures and languages – thus such story is unique and at the same time universal to Irish people.