Apocalypse Z: El principio del fin (2024) is a Spanish post-apocalyptic horror film directed by Carles Torrens and based on the best-selling novel by Manel Loureiro. The film tells the story of Manel, who isolates himself with his cat in his home in Galicia as a rabies-like disease spreads across the world, turning people into aggressive, zombie-like creatures. Forced to venture out in search of food, Manel embarks on a perilous journey filled with action, tension, and unexpected encounters. The movie explores both physical and emotional survival, highlighting the relationship between Manel and his grumpy cat as they face numerous dangers on land and sea.
The cast includes Francisco Ortiz, Berta Vázquez, and José María Yazpik, with cinematography by Elías M. Félix. The film is part of the horror and action genres, centered around themes of a zombie apocalypse and a pandemic. It premiered at the Sitges Film Festival and is distributed by Amazon Prime Video.