Dede is a 2017 film produced in Georgia, which is directed by Mariam Khatchvani. This film is set in a small village in Svaneti, in Georgia and centers around the character of Dina who is a young girl in the early 1990s trying to find a way out of the confines of societal customs and her role as a woman seeking her independence.
Plot Overview
Dina experiences a turn of events when her grandfather gives out her hand in marriage to David, a soldier coming back from the war. Dina however woos Gegi who is David’s fellow soldier. As one follows the path of events in the film, it can be said that love and duty and the customs of the society that are quite harsh in many regards to women are some of the central themes in the film.
There is mention, in the interpretation of the movie, of the female struggle within the confines of the society as well as societal norms broad in nature that the film tries to address. There is also the illumination of rural parts and their simple existence alongside the stunning beauty of Svaneti and the coastline fighting amongst themselves.
Critical Reception
As indicated in the review pages, this movie Dede had favorable reviews from media focusing on its storyline and camera work. The film was first shown at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and is rated as one of the films that has brought out the real picture of the Georgian culture alongside other cultures for comparison.
- Tradition vs. Modernity: This film addresses the tension between time-honored traditions and modern aspirations of self-expression.
- Love and Sacrifice: It investigates the intersection of romantic love and it’s fierce self describing commitment as it often means forsaking family and social obligations.
- Female Empowerment: In this regard, Dina’s adventures become an example of the voice and rights of women against the grip of oppression.