Piece by Piece

Piece by Piece is the film of 2023 which deals with the issues of family, loss and healing. The following are the key details about the movie:

Key Details:

Title: Piece by Piece

Year of Release: 2023

Category: Drama Film

Film Director: Tommy Stovall is in charge for the making of the film.

Story Outline: It centers around a family that is core and broken from the one tragedy. Each member of the family is tortured with a sense of loss and quite unconsciously starts the process of knowing themselves and their place in the world. Taking things into their hands one last time, the audience, with the aid of the moving and shocking episodes, manages to arrange a mess of their world and comprehends the essence of others’ help and care.


Piece by Piece is an account on grief, healing through resilience and the beauty of family. The ways in which people deal with sorrow and loss and how big these relationships can become again, after suffering from trauma, are the focal points in this characters oriented story.


The performance of the characters and the story together have been acclaimed to be very touching and commendable especially to people who seem to like family stories mixed with personal development in terms of facing one’s problems head on.