Stanley Ka Dabba

“”Stanley Ka Dabba”(2011) is directed by a female child directed by Amole Gupte which is an Indian children’s movie. The anchor is a young breezy boy named Stanley Partho Gupte who is imaginative, happy and well known among his school classmates. Younger boy other than his mates brings no lunch boxes or dabbas to school and this attracts the h-hot rage of his desperate hynadi Mathematics teacher Mr. Verma Amole Gupte who is quite an interesting officer in doing hunger struck despots. Stanley, however who is quite famous in class because of his ‘ lunch munching’ has also instituted even on Stanley this order that he can not go to school without a fuss dabba.

Key Themes:

The Loss of Childhood and Its Pain: In Doing So, Stanley finds Ways to be creative and to remain positive even with the challenges at hand. While he gets into lunchboxes, even when they are not there, irrespective of the situation he does not get disheartened.

Authority and Its Absusal Restrictions – The Empirical Film Treatment: His place is occupied by Mr Verma, the head teacher, who is portrayed as a cruel authoritarian leader, abusing every opportunity he gets to satisfy his appetite. Again this wallows about flipping rights and power in grown up insensitivity to children rather than to themselves.

Poverty and Malnutrition: The bible softly touches social evils such as poverty and how different people suffer as a result of it, for example why does Stanley fail to make lunch.


The film was appreciated for depicting childhood in a heartening manner; its premis and performances from its cast, more so the children, were top-notch. There was little doubt about the movie’s realism and polish. The score formulated by Hitesh Sonik was also instrumental in the accomplishment of the film.

Children as well as elders connected to ‘Stanley Ka Dabba’ for it had a perfect environment of fun and tear jerking moments and hence, became one of the best movies in India.

Stanley Ka Dabba