
Booger is a 2017 comedy movie directed by Jeff Hiller. The film is about a bunch of socially awkward mates who set off on a lighthearted quest and also try to discuss their personal problems.

Plot Summary

The film features a character Booger as the main lead who is a little odd ball. It details how he and his friends tackle relationships, jobs and even self-identity. It is a loyal group of friends, although, all of them have some bones to pick, and sometimes they just find themselves in ridiculous situations.

Friends make mistakes and misunderstand and go through cruelty with the hopes of understanding the idea that accept change and who one is. In their blunders, the characters discover the truth about life and love.


Friendship: It also depicts the friendship among the two friends, which no matter what circumstances may be, they show how friends are always there for one another.

Self-Acceptance: It reproaches people to seek radical acceptance of themselves and not of the society’s Norms.

Humor in Adversity: The characters are able to laugh off their problems which helps ease emotional pressure during distress.


Booger has garnered some divided reviews from the audience where some of the people appreciated its quirky sense of humor and the characters while others were not much against it. It appeals to those looking for some quirky comedies and friendship story ones.


In short, Booger is one of the waari gay covetous films that addresses the themes of friendship and embrace self. Although it touches on serious issues, that spaced the warring ghbb fans of box films is cuckoo tops harry movies. If there are specific things you want to find some more feel free to do so!
