Dirty Dogs

“Dirty Dogs” (2024) is a docuseries film by a certain Mark Tye Turner that highlights an unusual courtroom drama involving a hotdog vendors in the well known French Quarter of New Orleans. It addresses crusading the food cart’s existence down to the U.S. Supreme Court which brought forth a polarizing decision permitting a sole license in the operations of food carts in that territory. This has affected the order of things in the street food business in the town for the last 50 years and more thus making it hard in as much as new entrants are concerned.

The documentary addresses the rivalry between ma and pa and the corporate clientele, treating the deeper issues of monopolization in public spaces and economic justice. Among other issues, the documentary also deals with gentrification or local culture which is promising to members of status quo who wish to look at the intersections between society and law.

The documentary is set to launch on different digital platforms such as Prime Video and Roku on June 2024 .

Dirty Dogs