Sharks: Predators of the Deep

“Sharks: Predators of the Deep” is a 2020 IMAX documentary film that aims to present these potentially dangerous but also intriguing creatures of the ocean. This IMAX film takes these apex predators and presents to the viewer the informations about their behavior, biology and role in the ocean.


Release Year: 2020

Format: IMAX Documentary

Director: Mark Miner

Produced by: Georgia Aquarium


This documentary presents the different kinds of shark species in their ever changing habitat – the seas and oceans. From the repetitive society hunter to less common ones such as the hammerhead shark; the beauty and perfection of the apex predator are further enhanced.

Key Themes

Shark Biology and Behavior This section of the film includes amazing footage and descriptions that make a viewer realize how well the sharks can be considered the ultimate apex predators by virtue of amazing evolution in their biology which can be called as biological design.

Myth – Busting: The sharks are presented in mostly one-sided movies as mindless blood-born hunters. Common preconceptions regarding sharks in Jaws and many other films are pretty incorrect. This is the reason shark education, rehab costs, shark festivals, and exhibitions come into effect.

Conservation: It provides a very effective conservation-oriented message addressing the problems that sharks are subjected to as a result of anthropogenic activities like overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change. It emphasizes the need to shark populations and the marine environment more.

Stunning Visuals: The documentary makes the best use of IMAX technology to bring the viewers up close to the aggressors among sea animals by using high-frame slow motion video.

Filming Location:

Most of the world’s marine blows were filmed at Georgia Aquarium where it has one of the biggest shark exhibitions. Georgia Aquarium’s advanced level technology made it possible to safely capture the footages of many species, including rare ones that are not usually sighted in the open ocean.


The blend of education and stunning graphics make Sharks: Predators of the Deep one of the best watched movies among fans of sharks and those who defend the cause of ocean protection.

Sharks: Predators of the Deep