Peak Season

Peak Season designates a particular period in different activities during which overall activity, sales or user engagement is considerably high. This concept is suitable for some spheres, for example: tourism, retail, agricultural or entertainment sector, and they are in constant change.

As for the tourism sector, the majority of tourists tend to travel during peak season holidays, for instance, summer vacation or certain events which are expected to attract a large hospitality. At this time, hotels, restaurants, and attractions will likely have a high number of guests and bookings and will therefore be forced to increase their staff and stock supply. This time range is significant to the companies since it can determine to a great extent their gross income over the year and thus call for appropriate strategies and marketing campaigns to take advantage of the increased interest.

As for agriculture, ‘Peak Season’ is usually encountered where harvests are done at the crops well ripe for harvesting. It is crucial for farmers and producers to get ready for the extra work load as they have to ensure that they have what it takes to meet the need taking into account factors such as weather conditions and market prices. All in all, knowing about seasonality is important for the successful operational management of business, that is why the peak season is always taken into account in strategic and resources planning.

Peak Season