Billionaire Boy is a funny comedy film for everyone and itrelates to a book written by David Wallace. The film revolves around the life of Joe Spud, a son to Len, who enjoys immense wealth on account of his father being rich because he invented a toilet paper product. Although everything is grand, the boy finds himself unhappy as he has no friends who appreciate him rather than his wealth. He leaves a prestigious and expensive private school in find of raw friendships at a normal state school. Any which way, he comes across a circle of friends where they understand value in respect, irritating love, loyalty towards one another and things which are not for sale.
The comic aspects of the film are greatly connected to the micronarratives including Joe’s relationship with his father, who although a wealthy man suffers from failure to connect with other people. Especially, fascinating is the fact that it is not only the author of the book David Walliams, who plays the character in the movie, they also clown the movie.
Despite the fact that it was made for television and had no theatrical release, Millionaire Boy attracted large audience ratings and became a very well received adaptation of the author’s book. In this film, I appreciate the most the combination of lightness and children’s sensitivity to important moral aspects.